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Traffic Ticket
Criminal Defense
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If you were charged with a crime in Miami, your: job, reputation, and freedom may be at stake.  You need an attorney that will fight hard for you. At The Law Offices of Alexander B. Ramey, PA, we know that criminal charges are serious, and can have long-lasting adverse effects. That is why we take the defense of our client so zealously.

Florida has two major criminal classifications: misdemeanor and felony. A misdemeanor is any crime punishable by imprisonment for less than one year. A felony is generally defined as any crime punishable by death or more than one year in prison.

The law firm of Alexander B. Ramey has experience defending criminal matters such as: battery, theft, and drug possession. We have represented hundreds of people who have been charged with crimes in Miami, and all over of Miami-Dade County. We have the resources and experience to try to help you win your case.

Our office will fight to protect your rights, and aggressively pursue all avenues of defense. We will work closely with you to thoroughly prepare your case. Our goal will be to have your criminal charges reduced or dismissed.

The faster that you retain our legal services, the more time that we will have to prepare your defense. Call 305-Traffic for a free consultation. Se habla español.
